Angular for Dinosaurs : How i got started after being out of the game

So you are a software developer who has been living away from the action for a while and suddenly when you came back to the real world , everyone is talking about all these fancy JavaScript frameworks and you have no effing clue how to get started ? Do not worry as your man gaba was on that same place a few months back .

I used to work in a product company for 5 years , during that time i hardly had time to work with any new technologies specially JavaScript ( despite being a front end developer earlier in my career ). So finally when i decided to try my hand at Angular , needles to say i was confused with all the jargon and fancy JS stuff going around.

But after a few months of effort i was able to come to terms with Angular and now i can say that i can manage an Angular project on my own! Of course i am no expert , but i'm good enough to manage the day to day work using the popular framework.

So without further delays let me tell you how i crawled from under the rock and came to grips with the present day.

The three fold way

In my opinion ( and in the opinion of many others who are better than me ) there are 3 things you want to do if you want to learn something.

1. You search about it casually and get to know about it.
2. You learn the theories by following some tutorials.
3. You do a project !

Same thing applies with angular as well.
  • If you want to learn the theories , i would suggest the following video series by Youtuber Vishwas or Codevolution. (Big thanks to my boys Sameera K and Koga for sending this to me)

Now keep in mind that this video series is not the most complete series , but it is definitely one of the most simplest and that is why i recommend it for dinosaurs.

  • After going through this series and getting your basics right , i would say that the Official Angular Documentation can be your friend. It is pretty comprehensive and easy to follow with many examples. But go through Vishwas first , as digging into the doc straight away might be frustrating for newbies.

Well that's about it  ! These 2 resources are more than enough to get your on your feet. But please do remember the all valuable 3rd point of the Three fold way i mentioned above.

In order to truly learn something you have to try something hands on by yourself.

So my suggestion is Do a small pet project to get you familiar with the theories you learned. This can be anything as long as it makes use of what you learned!

That's all i have for you dinos today , i wish you well and may the force be with you!

p.s - if you want a more comprehensive course after getting the basics , i can also recommend courses by Mosh.  


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